
Visit to Police establishment - CID

Did you watch the US drama series CSI before? Are you keen to see how we do it in Singapore?
This is your Chance! The NPCC Alumni is organizing a visit to the Forensic Lab of the CID...
If your family is above 21 year-old, they are welcome to join in the visit.

Date: Sat 2 Oct 2010
Time: 10am-12noon
Location: The Criminal Investigation Department (CID)
Address: Cantonment Complex, Eu Tong Sen Street

We will be visiting The Criminal Investigation Department (CID), in particular their forensic lab.

Limited to 25 persons only

Registration to: ONG SS @ 93882511 or through email oss4j @ singnet.com.sg

Please submit your name, gender, DOB, NRIC No., and vehicle number (if driving) for each person. Must be above 21 years old.

Open to NPCC Alumni members first, and if we still have enough vacancy by end of August, then will open to family members.

Closing Date: 13 September 2010.

The NPCC Alumni .38 Revolver Annual Shoot 2

The NPCC Alumni .38 Revolver Annual Shoot 2Venue : Home Team Academy Shooting Range,501 Old Choa Chu Kang Road, Singapore 698928(click here to see map)
Date: Mon 30 Aug 2010
Time: 6pm-8pm

Fees: $5.00 Per shooter
Attire: T-Shirt & long pant
Registration to: ONG SS @ 93882511 or through email oss4j @ singnet.com.sg
Closing Date: 18 Aug 2010
Limited to only 15 participants - MEMBERS ONLY.