
Beautiful moment of Siew Lea & Derrick

Today, we celebrated this special moment of Love with our blessings and joys at Sheraton Towers for the wedding of Siew Lea and Derrick

Kim Kwang & Siew Lea

"Fall in"

"Baris, Derrick Dan Siew Lea, Masok Baris"

Solemnization ceremony

"Sendang Pedang" (sword drill)

Siew Lea is our alumni management committee member for years... Her next mission is to help Singapore to increase the population...


Developing Your Child's Self-Esteem

Healthy self-esteem is a child's armor against the challenges of the world. Kids who feel good about themselves seem to have an easier time handling conflicts and resisting negative pressures. They tend to smile more readily and enjoy life. These kids are realistic and generally optimistic.

In contrast, for children who have low self-esteem, challenges can become sources of major anxiety and frustration. Children who think poorly of themselves have a hard time finding solutions to problems. If they are plagued by self-critical thoughts, such as "I'm no good" or "I can't do anything right," they may become passive, withdrawn, or depressed. Faced with a new challenge, their immediate response is "I can't." Read on to discover the important role you can play in promoting healthy self-esteem in your child.

What Is Self-Esteem?
Self-esteem is the collection of beliefs or feelings that we have about ourselves, or our "self-perceptions." How we define ourselves influences our motivations, attitudes, and behaviors and affects our emotional adjustment.

Patterns of self-esteem start very early in life. For example, when a baby or toddler reaches a milestone, he or she experiences a sense of accomplishment that bolsters self-esteem. Learning to roll over after dozens of unsuccessful attempts or finally mastering getting the spoon into his or her mouth every time he or she eats are experiences that teach a young child a "can do" attitude. The concept of success following persistence starts early.

As a child tries, fails, tries again, fails again, and then finally succeeds, he or she is developing ideas about his or her own capabilities. At the same time, he or she is creating a self-concept based on interactions with other people. This is why parental involvement is key to helping a child form accurate, healthy self-perceptions.

Self-esteem can also be defined as the combination of feelings of capability with feelings of being loved. A child who is happy with an achievement but does not feel loved may eventually experience low self-esteem. Likewise, a child who feels loved but is hesitant about his or her own abilities can also end up with a low self-esteem. Healthy self-esteem results when the right balance is attained.

Signs of Unhealthy and Healthy Self-Esteem
Self-esteem fluctuates as a child grows. It is frequently changed and fine-tuned, because it is affected by a child's experiences and new perceptions. It helps for parents to be aware of the signs of both healthy and unhealthy self-esteem.

A child who has low self-esteem may not want to try new things. He or she may frequently speak negatively about his or herself, saying such things as, "I'm stupid," "I'll never learn how to do this," or "What's the point? Nobody cares about me anyway." The child may exhibit a low tolerance for frustration, giving up easily or waiting for somebody else to take over. Children with low self-esteem tend to be overly critical of and easily disappointed in themselves. Kids with low self-esteem see temporary setbacks as permanent, intolerable conditions. A sense of pessimism predominates.

A child who has healthy self-esteem tends to enjoy interacting with others. He or she is comfortable in social settings and enjoys group activities as well as independent pursuits. When challenges arise, he or she is able to work toward finding solutions. He or she voices discontent without belittling herself or others. For example, rather than saying, "I'm an idiot," a child with healthy self-esteem says, "I don't understand this." He or she knows his or her strengths and weaknesses, and accepts them. A sense of optimism prevails.

What Parents Can Do to Help
How can a parent help to foster healthy self-esteem in a child? Here are some tips that can make a big difference:

  • Watch what you say. Children are very sensitive to parents' words. Remember to praise your child not only for a job well done, but also for effort. But be truthful. For example, if your child doesn't make the soccer team, avoid saying something like, "Well, next time you'll work harder and make it." Instead, say something like, "Well, you didn't make the team, but I'm really proud of the effort you put into it." Reward effort and completion instead of outcome.

  • Be a positive role model. If you are excessively harsh on yourself, pessimistic, or unrealistic about your abilities and limitations, your child may eventually mirror you. Nurture your own self-esteem, and your child will have a great role model.

  • Identify and redirect your child's inaccurate beliefs. It's important for parents to identify kids' irrational beliefs about themselves, whether they are about perfection, attractiveness, ability, or anything else. Helping your child set more accurate standards and be more realistic in evaluating himself or herself will help your child have a more healthy self-concept. Inaccurate perceptions of self can take root and become reality to a child. For example, a child who does very well in school but struggles with math may say, "I can't do math. I'm a bad student." Not only is this a false generalization, it's also a belief that will set your child up for failure. Encourage your child to see the situation in its true light. A helpful response might be: "You are a good student. You do great in school. Math is just a subject that you need to spend more time on. We'll work on it together."

  • Be spontaneous and affectionate with your child. Your love will go a long way to boost your child's self-esteem. Give your child hugs. Tell your child you're proud of him or her. Leave a note in your child's lunch box that reads, "I think you're terrific!" Give praise frequently and honestly, without overdoing it. Kids can tell whether something comes from the heart.

  • Give positive, accurate feedback. A comment such as, "You always work yourself up into such a frenzy!" will cause a child to start believing he or she has no control over his or her outbursts. A better statement is, "You were really mad at your brother. But I appreciate that you didn't yell at him or hit him." This acknowledges your child's feelings and rewards the choice that your child made, encouraging your child to make the right choice again next time.

  • Create a safe, nurturing home environment. A child who does not feel safe or is being abused at home will suffer immensely from low self-esteem. A child who is exposed to parents who fight and argue repeatedly may become depressed and withdrawn. Always remember to respect your child.

  • Make your home a safe haven for your family. Watch for signs of abuse by others, problems in school, trouble with peers, and other potential factors that may affect your child's self-esteem. Deal with these issues sensitively but swiftly.

  • Help your child become involved in constructive experiences. Activities that encourage cooperation rather than competition are especially helpful in fostering self-esteem. For example, mentoring programs in which an older child helps a younger one learn to read can do wonders for both children.

Finding Professional Help
If you suspect your child has low self-esteem, you can get professional help. Family and child counselors can work to uncover underlying issues that are preventing your child from feeling good about himself or herself. Therapy can adjust the way a child views himself or herself and the world. This can enable a child to first see himself or herself in a more realistic light, and then to accept who he or she truly is. With a little help, every child can develop healthy self-esteem for a happier, more fulfilling life.

Updated and reviewed by: David Sheslow, PhD and Colleen Taylor Lukens, MA
Date reviewed: June 2005
Originally reviewed by: Steve Dowshen, MD, and Brian Mesinger, PhD

Source of this article:

Related Articles:
Nine Steps to More Effective Parenting
This article recognizes the incredibly challenging and rewarding job that all parents have and presents nine steps to make the parenting experience more fulfilling for both you and your child.

Additional Resources:
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP)
AACAP offers up-to-date information on child and adolescent development and issues.


photos of the old NPCC days

Here are some photos of the old NPCC days brought by our Alumni member during the 24 Nov 2007 NPCC Alumni Annual Dinner (Year-end BBQ party):

Thank you Mr J. P. David for the sharing which brings us the sweet memory of our old times...



Teaching children to practice self-control has life-long benefits
by Gregory Ramey, PhD, child psychologist at Dayton Children's and Dayton Daily News columnist

What would happen if you put a marshmallow in front of your 4-year-old and gave him a choice? He can eat the marshmallow immediately or wait 15 minutes and get two marshmallows. What would he do?

In a series of experiments in the 1970s, researcher Walter Mischel studied self-control in young children. Four-year-olds were left alone in a room with a single marshmallow and told to ring a bell when they wanted the adult to return.

Some youngsters ate the one marshmallow immediately, while others used various distraction techniques and waited 15 minutes so as to get two treats. Researchers studied these two groups of students again when they graduated from high school and found significant differences between the groups.

Preschoolers who demonstrated high levels of self-control at age 4 did significantly better in high school. In comparison with their impulsive counterparts, the self-control students achieved higher levels of academic success, scored 200 points higher on their SATs and were rated higher on social competence and dependability.
The ability to say "no" to something good today for the sake of something better tomorrow is critical to your personal and professional success. [see more results here for consequence adult outcomes of self-control kids]

Why is self-control important?

Psychologists refer to this skill as self-control, the willingness to delay immediate gratification. Musicians practice endless hours to perform a single piece of music. Students study instead of watch TV. Athletes devote years of their lives to prepare for an Olympic event that may last only a few minutes.

The concepts of self-control, delayed gratification and discipline seem so counter to our cultural values. We use our credit cards because we want things right away. We become inpatient if we wait more than a few moments at a drive-through McDonalds. We eat ourselves into obesity and poor health because it feels good, with little consideration of the long-term consequences.

The good news is that self-control is not an inborn trait, but a skill that can be taught and nurtured at an early age.

Helping your child achieve self-control

- Talk about self-control. Don’t be reluctant to talk about the importance of discipline and delayed gratification. Don’t lecture your children on this issue, but teach them strategies they can use to be successful. In the Marshmallow Studies, successful 4-year-olds didn’t focus about the treat, but instead distracted themselves by thinking about other things. Preaching to your child to shut off the TV and go study won’t work. Instead, teach them strategies to organize their time so they finish segments of their work before they reward themselves with TV or video games.

- Reward delayed gratification. It’s hard at times to study, practice piano or do football drills. Acknowledge your child’s efforts and specifically praise their willingness to work hard at something that won’t have immediate positive consequences. For high school students, encourage them to save some of the money they earn. One parent agreed to double whatever money her daughter saved in the bank over one year.

- Model good behavior. Talk about your own strategies to achieve self-control. “I really feel like some ice cream right now, but…I want to lose some weight so let’s not keep any ice cream in the freezer.” Talk about what strategies you use to be successful. “I’m trying to watch less TV, so I plan one 15-minute activity I want to accomplish every night before I turn on the TV.”

Let your child see the human side of you. From childhood through adulthood, we all grapple with issues of self-control and discipline, and sometimes fail more often than we’d like. Talking about the importance of this skill and effective strategies are key in helping your children achieve the freedom of self-control.

Related Articles:
Teaching Your Child Self-Control
A few suggestions on how you can help your child learn to control his or her behavior.


Here’s an educational talk by Mr Wong Suen Kwong, who kindly volunteered his own time to educate the public. Feel free to bring your family and as many friends as you wish to attend.

This Saturday, 24 Nov at 7.30pm-9pm

VENUE: Seminar Hall
#02-04 Haw Par Technocentre (use Lift at Lobby A)
401 Commonwealth Drive Singapore 149598
[click here for map]

ADMISSION: FREE & all parents and teenagers are welcome

CAR PARK: Within Haw Par Technocentre – lot of lots!

MRT: Commonwealth MRT (3min walk to Haw Par Technocentre)

Mr Wong Suen Kwong, or simply Suen, is one of 3 co-founders of Centre For Fathering and the key man championing responsible fatherhood in Singapore since 1999. He has developed so many fun and innovative programs that allow fathers and their children to bond together strongly like cement. Suen uses all kinds of adventures, games and creative activities to not only enhance relationship between fathers and children, but also inject new interests and shared experiences. In this talk, Suen will share new age insights on fun fathering and tips on shared parenthood.

There are simple tricks, FREE ones, to learn that fathers will appreciate for a lifetime, because these tricks are effective, performance guaranteed and absolutely fun!

This talk is FREE and are purely educational in nature, and the takeaways are simply invaluable!

[The Centre For Fathering won the Outstanding New Initiative Award from National Volunteer Centre during the Inaugural National Volunteerism awards presented by the then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong on 5th Dec 2001.]


Tan Ching Yam

Dr Tan Ching Yam (陈清业博士), a life member of NPCC Alumni, is a talented and multi-skilled artist who has won many awards for his Calligraphy and Chinese finger paintings. A regular participant in Singapore and overseas exhibitions, Dr Tan has received many commendations and was awarded Gold medals in 1995 and 1996 by “Henan Research Institute of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy”.

Being an Honorary Academician,he is an active Writer cum Art Educator, especially for his excellence in Finger Painting. He learned finger painting from the famous finger painter, Mr. Wu Tsai Yen. For the past 25 years, Dr Tan has participated in many Group Art Exhibition in Seoul (Korea), Japan, Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Luoyang, Anhui, Anyang, Hangzhou, etc.

In the last 15 years, Dr Tan has put up 4 Solo Art Exhibitions on Finger Painting, each with one theme:
1. New Zealand scene – Maori Culture
2. Historical Buildings in Singapore;
3. Portraits on Great People in Singapore;
4. Love for Animals.

Dr Tan was invited by the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) to demonstrate Finger Painting in New Zealand for three times (1992,1993 & 1997) and had won International Award for Excellence in Finger Painting from several countries:
  • Netaji Award, India, 2003

  • Albert Schweitzer (International Foundation - England, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain) Gold Medal Award, 2006

  • Achievement of art and works selected by Publishing House of Almanac of Global Media in Chinese, Beijing, 2006,

  • Reference Asia (1995)

  • Asia Pacific Who’s Who (1998)

  • Asian America –Who’s Who (2002)

  • Awarded Overseas Art Consultant, China (2006)

  • Awarded Art Consultant in Hospital / Chairman for Senior Citizen Calligraphy & Painting Society, Singapore, 2006
Dr Tan is also the Secretary for Bt Timah Community Club Literary Centre and a Committee Member for the Federation of Art Societies, Singapore. He has conducted a Solo Art Exhibition and participated in various groups Art Exhibition locally and overseas. His paintings have been collected by the University Library Curator and by Museums locally & Overseas.

Dr Tan was appointed a Research Fellow of ABI in 2006.

Academic Background
  • Nanyang University - BA,1966

  • Jordanhill College - MOE scholarship, Overseas Post Graduate Course

  • Certificate of Edn,1978-1979

  • Curtin University (WA) - Certificate of Art Edn, 2001

  • NAFA - Advanced Chinese Painting Course, 1992-1993

  • Teachers’ Training College, Singapore (Certificate of Edn, 1968)

  • Cultural Doctorate (Literature),World University, California, USA, 2005
Honour, Prizes, Awards
  • Long Service Award (38 years of dedicated service in education) by MOE, Singapore , 2004

  • Calligraphy awarded by Dr Tan Tsze Chor Art Award (2002)

  • Painting Awarded Gold Medal by The Research Inst.of Zhongyuan for Chinese Painting & Calligraphy (2002)
Being an award-winning local artist, arts educator, and writer, Dr Tan is also listed in "Singapore Artists", "Database of Singapore Writers", and National Arts Council Arts Education Programme.

Reaching outAs part of Alexandra Hospital’s Art Therapy programme, elderly patients gather for Chinese painting classes taught by volunteer Dr Tan Ching Yam, and aided by a group of student volunteers from the Singapore Chinese Girls’ School (SCGS).

New Zealand Herald, June 1992
New Zealand Herald, June 1992
New Zealand Herald, August 1993
New Zealand Herald, August 1993
Straits Times, September 1994
Straits Times, September 1994
Straits Times, March 1995
Straits Times, March 1995
Shin Min Daily, Jan 2003
Shin Min Daily, Jan 2003
Challenge - Reaching out
Federation of Art Societies
Art Empire Gallery


Watch What You Say To The Kids

Children pick up their language skills, both consciously and sub-consciously, from what they see and hear.

Listen To The Kids

Pay attention to the things the child says. We will notice that the child may use certain phrases or expressions that are very similar to what the parents or any other close relative or friend tend to use.

Watch What We Say

A simple and cost-effective way to help the child speak better is to pay attention to how we normally speak.

Are we guilty of using non-Standard English words or phrases that the child is likely to pick up?

Here are 6 examples that many Singaporean parents are prone to using:
  • “Faster late already”

  • “You don’t listen I tell Daddy”

  • “Why you so naughty”

  • “Wait Mummy give you ok?”

  • “You better don’t do that ah”

  • “ Everytime also like that”

The list can go on.

Becoming Role Models For the Child

Be mindful of the language we use. When we correct ourselves and consciously speak in standard English, the child will do so too.

Decide to start speaking English well today.

3 Quick Steps To Start
  • List some non-standard English words and phrases that we usually use

  • Pick one non-standard English phrase that / word we use most commonly and make an effort to stop using it this week.

  • Be conscious of what we say to the kids each time we speak to them. Correct ourselves immediately every time we say it.

If we keep at it, we will stop using the phrase completely in no time. The child will also realise that it isn’t standard English and will avoid saying it too.

Take the first step today. One phrase at a time and soon we’ll be a role model for the child.


Noraini Bte Aman

When Noraini Bte Aman was a secondary three student of Xinmin Secondary School, she participated together with another team member in the Tan Kah Kee Young Inventors’ Award (TKKYIA) on 2 March 2004 and competed amongst the top schools to showcase their inventions as young enthusiastic innovators. Her team was awarded the Commendation Award in the prestigious TKKYIA - Defence Science Award 2004 by the Defence Science & Technology Agency (DSTA) for their project “Hot-Oxy-Baggy”. The team competed against adult teams as there is no pupils category. She and her teammate also won cash reward of S$1000.

As an outstanding student, Noraini has also been able to excel in various non-academic areas. Aside from having a strong academic record and being a Staff Sergeant in the National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC) when she was in secondary four, she was actively participating in ‘From The Young Director’s Chair – Youth In Our Community’, a bold initiative organised by Xinmin Secondary School and Channel NewsAsia, for a Mother Tongue video-clip making project to promote the use of language through television. Her team was producing a video-clip: 'Arts Alive!' (Malay), traces the lives of buskers and how they make a living along the streets of Singapore, was telecasted on 22~29 August 2005 among all the finalists.

Anyone who has the latest news of Noraini now, please feel free to leave comments here for this content to be improved and completed subsequently. Thank you.

Speech by Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Minister for Education, at the Berita Harian Achiever Of the Year Award presentation ceremony on Wednesday, 3 August 2005, at 8.00 pm at The Ritz-Carlton Millenia


NPCC Alumni Annual Dinner

Year-end BBQ party

7pm, Saturday 24 Nov 2007

@ Cheng San Zone "E" BBQ pit,
Ang Mo Kio Ave 3 (near Ang Mo Kio MRT and AMK Hub (Bus interchange)
outside Blk 430/429/426)

Member - $20, Non-Member - $22 (Children 3 to 12 years old - $10)

[click here to register] or email to @pacific.net.sg to submit your name and tel no.


Participants can bring photo of their NPCC day to win for the top three best chosen photo prizes

Lucky Draw - 10 lucky draw prizes to be won

Magic Show

Roller blading, and more… …

[click here to see the street directory]

updated after the event:
[click here to see photos taken during the event]
(password to view photo album: "NPCCAlumni")



Another ex-NPCC member, First Warrant Officer Kalaiarasan, who is a volunteer National Serviceman in Army and honoured with the title of "NSman of the Year 2002", is being featured in the "Army Museum of Singapore - Personal Stories" posted on 03 Nov 2006 as follows:

"NS does change people for the better": 1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan

"It's really going to take you a lot of effort to get through this"

In his pre-enlistment days, 1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan was a student of Temasek Junior College and a member of the National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC), where he became acquainted with the rigour and discipline of marching.

Having a brother who had already served National Service (NS), 1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan's family was supportive of him going through NS, though in his words, "mothers being mothers", there was still an understandable element of anxiety.

To prepare for his Army life, 1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan took up swimming upon the advice of his elder brother. According to him, because he was already actively involved in other sports, he was physically fit enough when it came time for his enlistment.

Still, the initial impression and thoughts he held about his transition into Army life revealed a mixture of uncertainty and fear:

"My thoughts were that this [NS] is going to be tough, [there is] going to be vigorous training. It's really going to take you a lot of effort to get through this"

The tale of two Chandras and one Ang

While undergoing Basic Military Training (BMT) at the Infantry Training Depot (ITD) in Sembawang Naval Base, 1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan came to be acquainted with two 'Chandras' – one was his bunk mate, whom he still keeps in contact with till this day, and the other was Sergeant Chandra, the "toughest one among the lot [of instructors]". According to 1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan, Sergeant Chandra was "the one who is rushing us, got us moving, who expected a lot of discipline".

The joy of passing out of BMT was dampened by the fact that 1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan was to undergo his next phase of training as a Specialist at the School of Infantry Specialists (SISL) in the same camp again! Though faced with the prospect of bring reacquainted with Sergeant Chandra, fortunately this time round, the Sergeant was attached to another platoon.

Training at SISL was memorable, and 1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan remembers one particular four day training exercise carried out at Mandai reservoir. Because it was a patrolling field camp, water was rationed out, so the thirsty trainees had to "sneak out at night and go to the reservoir and get water to drink." Training was "very tough", but the trainees bonded well together through shared suffering:

"Within the section, we suffered together. When there’s water, we share... when there's food, we share among everybody. Even if someone has a little bit of water, he actually shares the cup. You know those water bottles with screw caps? We would pour the water into the screw cap and share it. So we were very close... it [the field camp experience] built up unity within everybody."

Upon graduating from SISL, 1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan was posted to Nee Soon Camp as an instructor. It was there that 1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan modelled the leadership style of Corporal Ang, a caring and respected Section Commander he met while in his trainee days at ITD:

"This guy was probably the one who kept the morale of the team up... we would have a tough day in the day, and in the night he would actually come into our bunks and have a nice friendly chat with us. He’s a guy who actually pats you on your back and asked you to keep going... for those who were weak in IPPT, he would take time out and he would train us through the night."

Handling 'Hokkien pengs', soldiers who were primarily proficient in the Hokkien language and who were known to be notoriously difficult to handle, was a task in which 1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan gained invaluable experience:

"I learnt a lot of things like how to communicate with them, how to get them to do whatever you want them to do because they have their own way of doing things. But you got to turn them around and make them do what you want them to do. It was a good experience."

Uniform changes and protecting Changi Airport

Though there are plenty of memorable moments in 1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan’s service in the Army, there are two events of significance captured in this story. The first has to do with the change in Army uniform. During his BMT, 1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan wore the old Temasek green uniforms, but when he was posted to Nee Soon Camp, the uniform underwent a change into camouflage ones. Because the new uniforms were "a lot more comfortable", it was a clearly preferred over the Temasek Green ones worn previously.

"We were really thankful that the camouflage green camouflages, [so] we don’t have to stick ourselves with camouflage. So in training, we don’t have to cover ourselves with bushes, the uniform does the job. And of course the new uniform, you don’t have to polish your boots to shine. The old one, you have to make it shine everyday."

Secondly, fast forwarding in time to his reservist days, one exercise that stands out was 1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan’s participation in the protection of installations in 2001, when the Army was called upon to protect and patrol Changi Airport to deter any potential terrorist threat.

As a Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) of a National Service battalion, 1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan made sure his men knew the seriousness and gravity of the duty they were to undertake:

"When I had my prep talk before they [the men] left for duty, I told them this is no ‘masah masah’ training. This is for real; these are live rounds you are bringing. If it comes [to the point] that you have to load and shoot, there is no two ways about it."

1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan also knew that the morale of the men had to be looked after if they were to perform their duties efficiently and with motivation.

"I always insist... instructors, sergeants, all the way up to OC to go down and talk to the people while they are doing their duties because nothing is stopping you from moving about. So [the men] will feel good, there's somebody coming down there to look after them. Of course, we're also checking on them to make sure that they are not sleeping but the most important thing is to talk to them, show that we are also out there for them... you just have to make sure that they are properly taken care of."

At the graduation ceremony for Warrant Officers
At the graduation ceremony for Warrant Officers

NSman of the Year 2002

1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan's positive contributions to the NS experience for his men meant that his NSman of the Year 2002 was a deserving honour indeed. Reflecting upon the role of NS in Singapore, 1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan recalls with conviction of the fact that NS does change people for the better:

"I would simply say for hardcore gangsters, none of them are gangsters today and none of them have gone to prison. NS does change people for the better. In the old days, there were many stories that said NS makes you [pick up] smoking, NS makes you [pick up] drinking. NS does not do that, it's the people that do it. It does change people for the better, makes them become more mature. In that sense it is really beneficial, besides building a sense of nationality and loyalty to [Singapore]."

Today a Regional Warehousing and Distribution Manager with Novartis Pharmaceuticals, 1WO (Vol) Kalaiarasan credits the Army for having instilled in him leadership and organizational skills that have stood him in good stead in the workplace.

"As an RSM in the Army, I have learned to think on my feet and have a 'helicopter view' while not losing focus on the details. [I have learnt to] effectively manage people and delegate work to empower, developing their growth; to be able to communicate effectively with all levels of the management with ease, to speak publicly with confidence. [There is] self motivation and the discipline to expect only the best. All these qualities have helped me grow in my career and is still helping me grow even more."


Police K-9 Unit Visit on 6 Sept 2007

The NPCC Alumni organised a visit to the Police K-9 Unit at Mowbray Road on Wednesday, 6 Sep 2007, which was a school holiday.

This visit was part of a community service project where 14 children from the Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home were invited together with 9 other children from the alumni's members.

10 alumni members were also present to accompany the children; making a total of 33 participants.

The visit commenced with a briefing by our guide, Mr Ram, who introduced us to the K-9 unit and the purpose of the dogs, their duties and capabilities. After the performance by the dogs on obedience and other skills, we toured the premises; visiting the training stations and kennels. The children had the opportunity to mingle with some of the dogs and also taking pictures with them. They are all very thrilled by the experience.

Finally the participants were treated to a full lunch sponsored by Dr Georgia Lee, a friend of Winnie Woon.

We would like to thank Siew Lea for arranging such a sumptuous spread of food for us.

The children were also given goodie-bags prepared by the alumni. Some of the items are sponsored by our members.

Also would like to thank Teo Chun Liang who had bought souvenir key chains for the children from Chen Su Lan Home.

The weather was really kind to us on that day. All of us had a whale of time and we are sure the children will remember this trip for a long time to come.

We appreciate Winnie's effort in co-ordinating with the Chen Su Lan Home pertaining to this visit and also in getting the sponsorship of $400 from Dr Georgia Lee for the lunch.

We would also like to thank Chua Siew Lea and Kester Tan for buying, arranging, packing and delivering the goodie-bags and also the NPCC Alumni for paying for the bus transport, and all other incidental and miscellaneous expenses.

Last but not least to all participants, helpers, and especially those who took leave from work for making this such as successful and enjoyable trip.

Kindest regards,
[click here to see more photos]
(password to view photo album: "NPCCAlumni")

Golf Funds Raising Event concluded

The recent concluded Golf Funds Raising Event for the NPCC OEP on 31 August 2007 was a great success! Mayor Teo Ho Pin (our Ex-CI) was the Guest-of-Honour. It ended with a sumptious 8-course dinner with everyone having a good time. Almost everyone returned home with a lucky draw prize. This event managed to raise an amount of about $15,000 which will definietly be a boost to the NPCC OEP community service project. Thanks to the generous sponsorships.

Andrew Tan (President, NPCC Alumni), presented the $15,000 fund raised to Mr Tan Puay Kern (Deputy Chairman, NPCC Council) for the NPCC OEP community service project, and witnessed by the Guest-of-Honour, Mayor Teo Ho Pin (Member of Parliament).

Also a big thank you to the working committee and volunteers who had put in lots of effort in planning and organising this event leaving no stone unturn - Gn Chiang Huat (chairman), Tan Gwee Khiang, Cindy Lim, Kester Tan (Secretary-the most hard working), Chua Siew Lea, Wendy Ong and Winnie Woon.

Looking forward to more supports from the members and well wishers in coming activities.

Anyone with ideas of funds raising for NPCC as well as for the alumni is most welcome.

CHEERS to the NPCC Alumni!

The purpose of holding the NPCC Alumni Golf Event is to raise funds for National Police Cadet Corps Overseas Expedition Project (NPCC-OEP), an overseas youth exchange project which NPCC Cadets get to lead and organize expeditions to any ASEAN country, China, or India, to provide voluntary services for the needy communities there example by teaching their children in schools and helping them build or renovate schools and homes.

In 2004, NPCC collaborated with the Singapore International Foundation (SIF) to inaugurate the 1st NPCC-Overseas Expedition Project (OEP) to Yunnan, Peoples' Republic of China. This Service Learning OEP saw 20 youths involved themselves in community based project with the local villagers for 21 days under harsh living environment. [click here to see previous OEP report].

[click here to see more photos of the golf and dinner event]
(password to view photo album: "NPCCAlumni")


NPCC Annual .38 Revoler Shooting Competition Results

The NPCC Inter-area Officers' Annual .38 Revoler Shooting Competition 2007 was held on 25 Aug 2007 (Sat) at Home Team Academy Range. Here is the results for Inter-Organisation Invitation Shoot - Mr Tan Puay Kern Challenge Trophy:

1stNational Police Cadet Corps Alumni
2ndNational Police Cadet Corps HQ
3rdSingapore Scouts Association
4thMOE Co-Curricular Activities Branch
5thNational Civil Defence Cadet Corps
6thNational Cadet Corps
7thRed Cross Youth

This time we are champion again beating the NPCC HQ team by a wide margin of 60 points. We scored a total of 740 points out of 800 points. These points also way surpass even the other team events of the officer shoot (Men & Women).

We used to maintain the Tan Puay Kern Challenge Trophy in the past NPCC Invitation shoots except last two years was closely lost to NPCC HQ (who have mostly regular police officers) among the 7 invited teams. We are proud to bring back the Challenge Trophy!

The following are the participants which had put in much effort and shown good teamwork:

Benjamin Yong190/200
Teo Chun Liang184/200
Tan Sim Kiat184/200
Winnie Woon119/200
Ong Siong Seng182/200

Total of best 4 shooters - 740/800

Thanks to Wendy Ong for attending the shoot and Teo Chun Liang for sponsoring the Team T-shirts (also for the dinner treat at Changi Sailing Club).
Thank our dear Winnie Woon for providing the bananas and chocolates to calm and steady our nerves. One of the secret formula for doing well.
Thanks also to all the well-wishers.

We sure had shown our identity and NPCC Alumni has been recognised as one that is strong in the revolver shoot. "Don't Play Play!"

Once again, Congratulation to the NPCC Alumni and Well Done to the Shooters!

The NPCC Alumni's Challenge Team for Tan Puay Kern Trophy, together with the Guest of Honour, Mr Tan Puay Kern, Deputy Chairman, NPCC Council.

[click here to see more photos]
[see more results of all 5 Challenge Trophies here]


Laurence Goh

As one of the National Servicemen in the Army of Singapore Armed Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Laurence Goh Eng Yau is an ex-NPCC member and the advocate and solicitor at Laurence Goh Eng Yau & Co. He was awarded with the Military Commendation Medal for the National Day Awards 2004. He is being featured in the "Army Museum of Singapore - Personal Stories" posted on 08 May 2007 as follows:

A Passionate and Dedicated Soldier: LTC (NS) Laurence Goh

Many of our NSmen lead fulfilling lives, balancing NS commitments with their demanding civilian careers and family lives. LTC (NS) Laurence Goh Eng Yau is one such man. A practising lawyer since 1990, he and his wife run their own law firm with two other associate partners. Besides his busy schedule at work, LTC (NS) Goh actively contributes to the defence of Singapore through his legal expertise. Some of LTC (NS) Goh's appointments include lecturer for criminal offences, SAF offences and disciplinary proceedings at OCS and legal adviser to the Chevrons. He also serves as a general committee member of the National Service Resort & Country Club for NSmen. Although his schedule is invariably packed, LTC (NS) Goh still finds time for family where they enjoy outdoor activities such as swimming and cycling. Recollecting memories of his NS days fills him with pride and happiness ...

LTC (NS) Laurence Goh enlisted in December 1982, a month after his GCE 'A' levels. Contrary to the reluctance typical of his peers, LTC (NS) Goh was in fact eager to join the ranks and to fulfil his duties to the nation as soon as possible.

My birthday is actually at the end of the year, so I didn't qualify to be enlisted in December and was due to report in March next year. I actually made a request to MINDEF for early enlistment at age 17 and they said yes...I was looking forward to it [enlistment day]. I was the youngest in my platoon when I enlisted.

Many Singaporeans can probably relate tearful memories of their day of enlistment but LTC (NS) Goh describes it as an enjoyable day. His younger days in the National Police Cadet Corps and dragon boating had prepared him physically and psychologically for communal life in the Army. Moreover, his elder brother, Fred, who enlisted two years earlier often related his experiences in the Army, fanning the flames of passion for National Service (NS) in the young LTC (NS) Goh's heart. Stories of tough training conditions did not deter his enthusiasm for NS; instead they made him all the more determined to prepare for enlistment into the Army.

"Instead of conceding to a demoralising situation when you hear a lot of stories about being "tekkan" if you are not fit…it actually increases the determination not to get "tekkan”. So you train...go and run and made sure we do well in our IPPT."

Back in the 1980s, enlistees reported to the Central Manpower Base at Dempsey Road on the day of their enlistment. LTC (NS) Goh was no exception. He recounted how new recruits like himself had to be transported from place to place to collect their Temasek green uniforms and other issued equipment, unlike the recruits of today who receive their equipment in a neatly packed carrier bag.

We would go into different 3-tonners and be transported from one place to another to collect our clothing...queuing up here and there ...trying out sizes ... being shouted left right centre by the fierce corporals and sergeants ... pushing our clothing and equipment into our ali baba bags ... But it was all great fun!

The trip onboard the Ramp-powered Launch (RPL) chugging towards Pulau Tekong seemed to last forever especially when there was no shelter from the scorching sun on the barge. Yet, there was not enough time to be acquainted with all the new faces around. After a good forty-five minutes under the blazing sun, the RPL finally docked at Pulau Tekong. From there, it was a long march for the new recruits to their barracks. LTC (NS) Goh was posted to Foxtrot Company Platoon 23.

For some of us, marching was okay because of the training in NPCC (National Police Cadet Corps) or the NCC (National Cadet Corps). But there were some who had never marched in their whole life. It was such a comical sight because some would be marching with both their left or right limbs swung out while others were hopping around trying to get the timing right.

The clumsiness of the new recruits contrasted with the proficient and confident citizen soldiers they would later become after two and a half years in NS.

The opportunity to wear the Temasek green for the first time was what captivated LTC (NS) Goh the most during his Basic Military Training (BMT).

There is uncertainty when you wear a uniform because you didn’t know what was to come. You will expect and look forward to it but once you put it on, what is going to happen next?

Putting on an army uniform awakes a young man to his responsibilities towards his country. According to LTC (NS) Goh, BMT is an initiation process to orientate the young men of our country towards national defence. It is also a period to establish self and mutual respect for each other, working towards cohesion and unity. In the barracks, however, initiation more often than not took on another different meaning.

One of our recruit mates, he was so shy. He would not shower with us all and would wait for all of us to sleep before he quietly sneaked to the toilet with his towel. One of us decided to make him get used to the communal lifestyle and the whole platoon agreed. One night, we pretended to be sleeping and while he was bathing alone, we sprang a surprise on him in the toilet. The whole platoon had gathered to watch him bath. He was so surprised and embarrassed that he covered his backside and private parts using his hands while turning red in the face. But after the incident he was alright. He bathed with us all and joined the whole platoon in our activities. In fact, he did very well in his BMT and was one of the best recruits.

BMT was filled with both laughter and hardship. Memorable experiences included a 'clean freak' LTC (NS) Goh remembers as "Ah Teh". He would have more showers than anybody in the platoon because of his skin condition. Ghost-hunting was another favourite past time in his recruit days. A few of them would arm themselves with broomsticks and pans and wander around the Standard Obstacles Course (SOC) ground which was rumoured to be haunted, challenging the ghosts to appear by shouting loudly.

After he completed his BMT, LTC (NS) Goh was posted to Foxtrot Company, Officer Cadet School, for his Infantry Officer Cadet Course (IOCC). It was a very challenging period for him as the cadets were pushed to their limits by the demanding instructors who had very high standards. Competition between platoons and between Delta and Foxtrot Companies was also very intense. Good performance was rewarded with highly sought after long-weekends and cadets were ever eager to please their instructors.

While the nine months of cadet life in OCS were very challenging, there were still humorous moments. Despite the packed curriculum, cadets like LTC (NS) Goh still had the appetite for light-hearted moments during training. Hilarious scenes of cadets struggling in the swimming pool, trying their very best to get across the pool to pass the much-dreaded swimming test topped the list of funny moments during the IOCC. Perennial favourites such as Peng Kang, FOFO Hill and Rambutan Hill surfaced vividly in his memory as he recalls how the cadets were made to 'double up' the knolls as punishment in their painstakingly starched and ironed Temasek No. 3 uniforms.

Through it all, strong bonds were forged amidst the pain and laughter. Even today, officers from the 1/83 batch of IOCC remain in contact. Such is the strength of their friendship, moulded during the short nine months in OCS. LTC (NS) Goh was elated when he was appointed the editor of the IOCC magazine which meant he would be able to shape the Delta Foxtrot chapter and seal the memories of his OCS batch into a book that would be read by all cadets in his course, and to be shared with their families years on.

After graduating from OCS as one of the top cadets and sword winners, LTC (NS) Laurence Goh, then a 2LT, stayed on as an instructor for nearly a year before undergoing the Company Commanders' Course at the School of Advanced Training for Officers (SATO). Upon completing the course, he was posted to the 6th Battalion, Singapore Infantry Regiment (6 SIR) for his unit tour as a Company Second-in-Command (2IC). Alas, unit life was thoroughly different from instructing officer cadets in OCS. He remembers making a fool of himself on the first day of his unit tour when he told the men:

I am LTA Goh, the Company 2IC. Got any troubles my door is always open… God bless you all.

Friendliness was unfortunately mistaken for tolerance of misdemeanour in the unit. Thereafter, the young LTA Goh quickly learnt his lesson after his soldiers refused to clean the weapons after a live firing exercise, thinking that their Company 2IC could be taken advantage of. Acting upon the advice of his Company Sergeant Major (CSM), LTA Goh lambasted the disobedient soldiers with a series of carefully rehearsed and colourful tirade of vulgarities. Realising that their 2IC was not to be trifled with, the soldiers obeyed his orders promptly and all went well from then on.

From this incident and others that followed, LTC (NS) Goh gleaned an important insight. Despite superficial differences, the 'Hokkien peng' were just as motivated as officer cadets or specialist trainees. While their roles differed, the desire to serve their country remained the same. LTC (NS) Goh's soldiers' strong sense of camaraderie, respect and support for one another, as well as their commanders moved him greatly.

My birthday fell near a weekend and I kept it from my men as I like my privacy. However, on Sunday evening, my CSM called me and asked me to return to camp. I initially refused as I was to return to unit only on Monday morning. My CSM insisted that there is something urgent in the camp and I was needed as it was an emergency. I drove back immediately. Reaching the company line, I saw my entire company booked in and assembled. They brought a cake out and sang me a birthday song.

Returning from his overseas law studies at the end of 1988, LTC (NS) Goh was first posted to the 83rd Battalion, Singapore Infantry Regiment (83 SIR) as the Officer Commanding (OC) of Alpha Company. He then went on to 84 SIR as OC Bravo Coy where he rose to become the battalion’s 2IC. He eventually returned to his first NS unit, 83 SIR, as its Commanding Officer (CO). During his tours as OC, battalion 2IC and CO 83 SIR, LTC (NS) Goh witnessed the fine qualities of our NS soldiers. The spirit of commitment and self-sacrifice for our nation's defence are best exemplified in the attitudes of his staff officers and men alike.

LTC (NS) Goh was the force commander when he undertook standby duty on behalf of a fellow Commanding Officer who had to defer due to urgent matters with justified reasons in September 2001. It is a date he will never forget as the day he took over command of the standby force was September 11, the day the twin towers in the USA were attacked. The calmness in which the soldiers reacted to the news and the subsequent added measures to increase their preparedness for any eventuality during their duty proved that NSmen were more than willing to rise up to the challenge if the security and defence of our country were threatened. The atmosphere was very tense during the period of standby but the men were ever ready to react immediately should they be activated.

Another case of total commitment - putting nation before self - was epitomised by CPT (NS) Chew Chong Kiat, the Battalion Intelligence officer (S2) in 83 SIR. In October 2001, 83 SIR was placed on standby during its scheduled In Camp Training (ICT) which happened to be just after 9/11. Unfortunately, CPT (NS) Chew's father passed away just before his ICT. He was allowed to defer for the entire ICT by LTC (NS) Goh, then a MAJ, to attend to his father’s funeral arrangements and spend time with his family members. To LTC (NS) Goh's surprise, CPT (NS) Chew only asked for about two days off and insisted on returning to his duty. He told LTC (NS) Goh:

Sir, my father has already passed away. My family and I are saddened by his demise and we are trying to move on with our lives. There is nothing we can do about it. But now our battalion is on active standby. If the button is pressed and we need to be activated, I got to do my duty....in any event Sir, you cannot do without a S2 to help you plan and it is part of my job to ensure that the Battalion can function fully and efficiently and I cannot let our Battalion down.

Such was the high level of total commitment and unqualified dedication from an Operationally Ready National Servicemen, a citizen soldier.

Another unforgettable tale of camaraderie took place during LTC (NS) Goh's tenure as the 28th Singapore Infantry Brigade’s Second-in-Command. One of the soldiers from the Brigade Reconnaissance Company (BRC) collapsed and fell into a coma in the midst of a mobilisation exercise. His buddies from the company took turns to visit him very frequently even after the completion of their ICT. They also provided financial and material help for his family members while their fellow soldier remained in a coma. When he finally regained consciousness, his comrades continued their routine in order to help him regain his memory. A year later, the soldier was finally able to recognise his wife, children and some of his buddies.

Besides commitment and camaraderie, the tenacity of our NS units is a characteristic LTC (NS) Goh remains proud of after spending many years in NS.

When 542 SIR was having its ICT on Pulau Tekong in 2003, which was during the SARS period, the battalion S2 developed a high fever. We checked his family situation and found that both his parents were admitted to Tan Tock Seng Hospital for suspected SARS. My Brigade Commander, COL (VOL) Sng Cheng Keh, a very dedicated and committed NSman, consulted the Chief Army Medical Officer (CARMO) and immediately activated the evacuation of the S2. He had to be literally dragged to the ambulance bound for Tan Tock Seng Hospital as he refused to go since the Bn was still on exercise. As a result, the Battalion HQ and Brigade HQ were 'decimated' and quarantined. Despite all these things that happened, the remaining officers, specialists and men of the battalion held themselves together and did well for the training. One of the main reasons given by them was that they had to fight on for their fallen comrades and not give up easily. This goes to prove the strength of our NS orbat and their strong spirit and determination to fight on even during the midst of a crisis. Unfortunately, while the S2 recovered from his fever, his parents succumbed to SARS.

LTC (NS) Goh thoroughly enjoys his time as an NSman. For him, the Army is a big melting pot where people from all walks of life come together to create a common identity and share a common positive experience. He still remembers the days as a recruit when two Platoon Commanders in his company were very close friends even though one of them is the son of a former Chief Justice and the other is the son of an opposition politician. Ultimately, we are all Singaporeans who are entrusted with the sacred task of defending our homeland.

I am very pleased and proud that we have an excellent and proven NS system. Although NS is being frowned upon by many young Singaporeans, it is unavoidable as the stability of our nation through the efforts of the government results in a comfortable lifestyle for everyone. The negative feeling will always be there during the 2 to 2 ½ years of NSF life. But when they ORD and embarked on their higher education and careers and return for their ICT, you can feel that their patriotism and natural protective instinct grew over the years. I used to ask them, "Eh can fight or not?" These soldiers will answer "Sir, you see us round round fat fat IPPT sometimes can pass sometimes cannot pass, but you press the button we will fight one. If we don't look after our country and families, who can?

LTC (NS) Goh is currently the Brigade Commander of the 30th Singapore Infantry Brigade (30 SIB) and he is still serving to the best of his abilities with the same enthusiasm and interest he showed when he was a recruit. He continues to contribute to the needs of NSmen by sitting in the National Service Working Committee and is one of the SAF National Education (NE) Facilitators. He also shares his experience during Battalion Commanders Courses conducted for incoming Commanding Officers. He hopes to carry on with his passion and commitment towards the defence of Singapore and the military as long as he can.

I just passed 40. It has been more than 20 years since I enlisted and today, apart from many of my school mates who are regulars in the SAF whom I meet regularly, I still bump into my former soldiers, specialists and officers all over the place in Singapore and when we meet, the smiles that come onto our faces as we rekindle our friendship and comradeship with the strong bonds that we have developed through the years in National Service tell more than a thousand words and the silent understanding and pride within us swell.

Most heartening is the fact that these stories come from our NSmen. It is this dedication to duty that makes our Army tick. With such committed men among its ranks, our Army is truly a force to be reckoned with.


NPCC Alumni Dinner

cum community service fund raising project for NPCC-OEP

Date: Friday 31 August 2007
Time: 7.00pm to 9.00pm
Price: $50 per pax (8-course dinner)
Venue: Sembawang Country Club Chinese Restaurant @ Level 2
249 Sembawang Road, Singapore 758352 [

This year, our NPCC alumni dinner will be a fund-raising event for the NPCC-OEP project just like for the Golf Event to be held on the same day. (It will be the same dinner as for the golf event. If you are participating in the golf event need not sign up for this dinner.)

interested members please
click here to download registration and donation form and reply before 17 August 2007.

We would also like to take this opportunity to raise fund for National Police Cadet Corps Overseas Expedition Project (NPCC-OEP), an overseas youth exchange project which NPCC Cadets get to lead and organize expeditions to any ASEAN country, China, or India, to provide voluntary services for the needy communities there example by teaching their children in schools and helping them build or renovate schools and homes.

In 2004,
NPCC collaborated with the Singapore International Foundation (SIF) to inaugurate the 1st NPCC-Overseas Expedition Project (OEP) to Yunnan, Peoples' Republic of China. This Service Learning OEP saw 20 youths involved themselves in community based project with the local villagers for 21 days under harsh living environment. [click here to see previous OEP report].

Your support to this fund-raising event will cultivate team spirit among cadets and inspire them through meaningful overseas community service, to make a difference to the lives of others, at home and abroad.


Informal Socials @ SPOM

Another Alumni event not to be missed

Friday 27 Jul 07 @ 7.00pm at SPOM,
Mount Pleasant Road
(near to old Police Academy)

Block this date on your calendar!

Take this opportunity to catch up with old friends and network with new ones.

The month end informal socials is on next Friday at Senior Police Officer Mess (SPOM). Let's make an effort to come and contacts all others for this informal networking and socialising. They may come earlier for dinner (dutch) at the cafeteria.

Let's get this socials revitalised again.

[Map] [Street Directory]


Visit To Police K-9 Unit

A community service event for Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home cum leisure event for alumni members. The Police K-9 Unit is previously known as The Police Dog Unit. It was officially opened on 31 Jan 2004 for its new Mowbray Camp location at 2 Mowbray Road (off Choa Chu Kang Way), Singapore 688253.

Date: Thur 06 Sept 2007

Time: Proposed Programme
0830 hrs Departure from Children's Home
(for the children of the Home)
0930 hrs Arrival at Police K-9 Unit
Short introduction of the Police K-9 Unit
0945 hrs Witness dog training
Security Dog (field)
Narcotic Detector Dog (human search)
Explosive Detector Dog (vehicle search)
1100 hrs Tour or kennelling facilities
1130 hrs Return to Children's Home
1230 hrs Lunch at Children's Home
(plan is subjected to changes)

This is on school holiday and hope that most of us can make an effort to be volunteers for this community service. This is also a leisure event for our alumni's family members.

We need volunteers to help in the event for the children, and also assist in logistic planning (transport and refreshment arrangement, goody bags for kids, etc).

Any volunteer? Please reply and submit your family members' names if they are coming. (We will confirm the payment amount per person once the volunteers have worked out the figures)

[click here to reply online]

[map of Police K-9 Unit]
[map of Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home]


Golf Event for Alumni

A NPCC Alumni Golf Tournament 2007 Event to raise funds for NPCC-Overseas Expedition Project (OEP)

Date: Friday 31st Aug 2007

Time: 1300hrs (1pm sharp)

Venue: Sembawang Country Club,
            249 Sembawang Road, Singapore 758352 [Map]

Guest-of-Honour: Dr. Teo Ho Pin, Member of Parliament
            Mayor, North West Community Development Council
            (Dr Teo is also an ex-NPCC Cadet Inspector, 1977)

Trophies will be presented to top 3 champions and overall gross for both men and women catergories.

Participation fee:
- Individual ($200)
- Individual for member of Sembawang Country Club ($140)
- 1 Flight ($800)
- Corporate - Flight of 4 players ($3000) with 'Corporate A-Sign' advertisement at the Course Fairway

Format of play: Stableford

Lunch and dinner will be provided for participant

Lunch at Golfers' Terrace from 11.30am onwards
Dinner at 7.00pm @ Chinese Restaurant at 2nd Level (will be held together with the NPCC Alumni Dinner on the same day)

interested members please click here to download registration and donation form for more details, or contact Kester Tan for any enquiry.

The purpose of holding the NPCC Alumni Golf Event is to raise funds for National Police Cadet Corps Overseas Expedition Project (NPCC-OEP), an overseas youth exchange project which NPCC Cadets get to lead and organize expeditions to any ASEAN country, China, or India, to provide voluntary services for the needy communities there example by teaching their children in schools and helping them build or renovate schools and homes.

In 2004, NPCC collaborated with the Singapore International Foundation (SIF) to inaugurate the 1st NPCC-Overseas Expedition Project (OEP) to Yunnan, Peoples' Republic of China. This Service Learning OEP saw 20 youths involved themselves in community based project with the local villagers for 21 days under harsh living environment. [click here to see previous OEP report].

Your support to this fund-raising event will cultivate team spirit among cadets and inspire them through meaningful overseas community service, to make a difference to the lives of others, at home and abroad.

Corporate Sponsorship to support this community event would be most welcome. Interested corporation please contact Kester Tan for any enquiry. [Contact Details & Registration Form]

For individual who does not play golf, your contribution for donation to this fund-raising event would be greatly appreciated. [Donation Form]

We also need individual sponsorship for door gifts, lucky draw prizes, or other items to be used for event decoration. Your generous support will be crucial to make this meaningful event a success! [please contact Kester Tan for details.]


NPCC Inter-area Officers' Annual .38 Revoler Shooting Competition 2007

(NPCC Officer Annual Invitational Shoot)

This year's shooting competition (Finals) will be held on 25 Aug 2007 (Sat) at Home Team Academy Range. Stay tuned to find out more!

Competition Objectives
1. To raise the level of proficiency in musketry through friendly competition
2. To encourage a competitive spirit amongst officers of the Corps
3. To provide a feel for management and conduct of range target shooting

Dates of Preliminary
21 Jul 2007

Date of Finals
25 Aug 2007

Competition Venue
Home Team Academy Range

Deadline for Nomination
6 Jul 2007

NPCC Alumni came in 2nd postition last year for the 2006 Inter-Organisation Invitation Shoot (Mr Tan Puay Kern Challenge Trophy) while our alumni member Teo Chun Liang scored a perfect 200 marks.

Any member who is interested to represent the NPCC Alumni team for this year competition, please email to activities@npccalumni.org.sg or

click here to submit your name to us online


Teo Ho Pin

Dr Teo Ho Pin is a Mayor of North-West District and Member of Parliament for Bukit Panjang Constituency in Singapore. He is also the President of the Building & Estate Management Alumni Association of National University of Singapore over the past decade. Dr Ho will be presented with the NUS Distinguished Alumni Service Award on 5 July 2007.

Dr Teo was an NPCC cadet of New Town Secondary School (1973-76) and cadet inspector (1977-78). He was also very active in Singapore Lifeguard Corps and NUS Lifeguard Corps. He was the top 1st year student and subsequently graduated in 1985, with Honours in Building from the National University of Singapore (NUS). After graduation, he joined NUS as a teaching staff in the Department of Building. With the NUS Overseas Graduate Scholarship, he attained his masters in Project Management (Top M.Sc Student) and doctorate in Building (PhD), from the Heriot-Watt University, UK.

Dr. Teo's first experience as a volunteer was during his secondary school days, where he was in the National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC). He was very involved in his CCA, which provided opportunities for him to be involved in community work. During his days in NPCC, he was a shooting instructor at the Police Academy. When he became a MP, he was invited back to his secondary school to officiate the school's commemoration day.

He became the Chief Executive Officer of Jurong Town Council in 1991. As the Chief Executive, he was responsible for the management of over 40 000 units of HDB flats. In 1997, he was elected as MP for Sembawang GRC, which sparked off his career life as a MP.

Dr. Teo has been in the Grassroots for over 25 years, dating back to 1981, where he first joined the Grassroots volunteer as a Young Executive Committee (YEC) member during his university days. When he was running the town, one of the MPs nominated him to be a potential candidate to be a MP. Dr. Teo then joined the Sembawang GRC, which was a 6 member GRC. After which, he was appointed by the Prime Minister to become a Mayor, in year 2001.

Over the last 10 years, Dr. Teo has been playing his part well as a MP and a Mayor, by serving and bonding the community. When he was appointed to become a Mayor, the first thing that he did was to help the retrenched and unemployed. The passion that Dr. Teo has towards his job was evident. “I’ll work with grassroots leaders and MPs to see how we can match jobs for those who need them. We'll also look into how we can help those making adjustments in their family lives as a result of the recession,” he said, when interviewed by The Straits Times on 17th November 2001.

When faced with a challenge, Dr. Teo would always work it out with his partners. By making things transparent, he would get more heads to come in together and think of a way to overcome the challenge. Dr. Teo works together with the respective Grassroots Organizations, the People’s Association, and other voluntary welfare organizations, and under his good leadership and guidance, they were able to get things done. One of his ex-employee commented that Dr. Teo was “very good at garnering grassroots support” and “very prompt in deciding how to deal with the issues of the day”.

Apart from being a MP and a Mayor, Dr. Teo also has a family with 3 children. Having such a busy job with long working hours, Dr. Teo has to be able to strike a balance between his career and family. However, it isn’t easy to do so. Even with proper time management, he still has to sacrifice some family time. Despite so, Dr. Teo is able to maintain his family well, because of the strong support and understanding from his family members.

[click here to see Dr. Teo Ho Pin in cadet inspector course 1977]

[A weblog of - Dr. Teo Ho Pin]


Happy Birthday to Andrew Tan

Dear Andrew Tan,
our Alumni President,

Happy Birthday
Wishing you all the pleasures of life - on your birthday and always.

Best wishes from all of us

NPCC Alumni


Happy Birthday to Chua Siew Lea

Dear Siew Lea,
our Alumni Committee Member for Publicity,

Happy Birthday
Wishing you all the pleasures of life - on your birthday and always.

Best wishes from all of us

NPCC Alumni


Happy Birthday to Ong Siong Seng

Dear Siong Seng,
our Alumni Vice President,

Happy Birthday
Wishing you all the pleasures of life - on your birthday and always.

Best wishes from all of us

NPCC Alumni


Teo Chun Ching

http://www.spf.gov.sg/career/lead/atwork/images/3commanders/ph_chunching.jpgDeputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Teo Chun Ching (Zhang Junqing) is an ex-NPCC cadet and cadet inspector of Dunman High School (1987-92). Chun Ching was awarded with Singapore Police Force (SPF) Overseas Scholarship in 1993 to study Engineering Science at Oxford University.

Chun Ching has been a victim of many crimes. When he was overseas, that is. He and his companions have had their pockets picked in Russia, Rome and Egypt, his bicycle stolen, and his house in England broken into.

His encounters with crime and crime-busters overseas have convinced him that the sense of safety in Singapore is extremely valuable and often taken for granted.

Chun Ching explained how the Singapore Police works: "We have a multi-prong approach. We are harsh on crime and have strict laws but at the same time, the police work closely with the community thru community policing. We want to be approachable and in touch with the people and their problems."

Dealing directly with the public and solving their problems was one of the reasons Chun Ching accepted the Singapore Police Force (SPF) Overseas Scholarship in 1993. He said: "At 18, I was after excitement and adventure. I didn't want a desk-bound job. I wanted to contribute to society, and with the police, you see the results of your work."

Chun Ching, 30, with background in Engineering Science that seemed miles apart from police work, but he finds a parallel between the two. He said: "You are given a problem and you have certain constraints, limited resources and a process of analysis to work out the best solution - that is similar to police work, especially in operations where you're dealing crimes and resources."

Looking back, he is glad he had the chance to study overseas. It was in Oxford that he met his wife with whom they have a son and a daughter. He has the following advice for new scholars: "Learn as much as you can, meet as many people as possible and travel widely. You'll have no time to rest once you start work."

Currently holding the post of Deputy Commander, Jurong Police Division, Chun Ching is pleased to return to the frontline after a fruitful stint in the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) HQ. He has this to say about his current role: “Being a division Deputy Commander is wonderful opportunity for learning and contributing. There is a total of 1000 officers in Jurong Police Division and it is invigorating to lead such a big group of people. The responsibilities are immense and I am humbled by the trust placed in me. My experience so far has been most varied and enriching. In a short span of 3 months, I have had to work at managing the Human Resource elements, revamping the audits and inspection system, improving the various service programmes, reviewing the operations processes at the land checkpoints to enhance border security, etc. There certainly has not been a dull day so far.”

Prior to Jurong Police Division, Chun Ching spent two years at MHA in two different postings of one year each. He started off as the Senior Assistant Director, Joint Operations Management, where his role was to provide strategic operational guidance from Ministry HQ to Home Team departments in the execution of their operations and national issues. In doing so, he interacts with senior management including Minister and Permanent Secretary. As such, he is exposed to policy making at the highest levels. “It is exhilarating to be involved in such high-level discussion and policy decisions. I have certainly benefited hugely with a better understanding of the issues facing our nation,” he exclaimed. Subsequently with the emphasis on security and counter-terrorism, Chun Ching was transferred to the newly set-up Homefront Security Office, where he dealt with non-conventional threats such as chemical, biological and radiological terrorism. He also participated in the Ministry’s efforts in dealing with SARS and Avian Flu.

Before MHA, Chun Ching was Head Operations and Training at Tanglin Police Division from April 2000 to Jul 2002 and found that was his most intense job to date. During his tenure he had to deal with the aftermath of the Sep 11 attack because most embassies and foreign establishments are located in his division which covers the Orchard Road and Bukit Timah area. Furthermore there were high-level ministerial conferences held in the division too. The General Elections also took place then. He has this to say about his experience there: ”It was very tough. There were countless security operations to handle and yet we could not neglect our more routine duties to fight against crime and maintain law and order in a very busy division. A lot of sacrifices were made by all the officers at Tanglin.”

This was quite different from his first posting as an Investigation Officer at Central Police Station at Beach Road in 1998. There he dealt with criminal and non-criminal cases like suicide, spouse and maid abuse. While it was exciting to deal with criminal cases, DSP Teo found the latter more difficult. The police are the first people that are contacted in times of trouble. "It was a stressful time because you're dealing with people with problems. Often there are emotions involved. We try to get social agencies to help, but some of these cases happen in the middle of the night so we have to play counsellor as well," elaborated Chun Ching on this eye-opening experience.

In 1999, he was posted to Planning and Organisation at the Police Headquarters. His job was conceptual in nature and dealt with corporate planning for the Force. This was a desk-bound job that he did not mind. "It was a very stimulating time. We looked at the challenges facing Singapore, like the foreign population and the Internet, and devised strategies to deal with them. Often, we engaged in discussions with top management," he said.

"Those who think that Police is a rank-conscious, spit-and-polish organisation working mindlessly to catch thieves will be in for a shock. Everyone is expected to be a thinking officer and everyone's contributions is valued," he added.

Chun Ching cherishes his life in the Police. He said: "I am who I am because of my experience as a Police officer. No other career can do the same for me."

Teo Chun Ching
Deputy Commander
Jurong Police Division
2004 to 2005
(Currently on study leave pursuing MBA in INSEAD wef 9 Jan 2006)

Source: http://www.spf.gov.sg/career/lead/atwork/commanders_chunching.htm

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